Cold and rainy weekend. Friday night was happy, as in University sponsored happy hour in the West Village, made even happier by free drinks. They won't fund the Masters Students but if we start a club they have all this money available. Ours is not to reason why. Ours is to order free vodka tonics and talk about school.
Friday was special because I got to see some of my old Masters Seminar compadres. Every 1st year Masters Student has to take a seminar on How To Be A Graduate Student. We all bonded over deconstruction theory and the shared experience of going deeply into debt in the name of a career that may never pay us anything. Our last class was a six hour marathon in which we all delivered our papers over wine and Chinese food. It was the sort of experience that one simultaneously misses desperately and hopes never to repeat.
I lost touch with far too many of them. One in particular. Mikka was one of the few who I saw outside of class. We had an abortive adventure in Long Island last fall, involving the Gin Blossoms, a Yankees game that ran over, and a train we needed to catch far too early. Good times. Anyway she was there. And Mike. And Spence came. Each time I have a fun outing I feel the residue of this past summer finally slipping away. It's hard to be social when broke and stressed.
I made up for being social by not leaving the house at all this weekend. Bad weather kept us in. Plus I spent half of Friday night getting eaten by mosquitoes. Our new apartment has torn screens. Fun. Worst place to have a mosquito bite? The pinky knuckle.
Tea, Pizza, Cocoa, Mansfield Park, Netflix.
driving into bolivia
13 years ago