Tuesday, April 11, 2006

And the Winner Is...

(drum roll please)...NYU for the next 4-6 years people. Yeah big surprise huh. But it's amazing how much sense it makes to stay here. Everyone is very warm and fuzzy, which will undoubtedly cool once they see how bad my thesis turns out.

Spence and I went to see this band tonight at Avalon, formerly Limelight, of Party Monster fame. Awesome show. Must now become obsessed with all things Shiny Toy Guns-related. It was the first of three shows we're seeing this week. Next up, The Sounds, and then Ladytron. I never go see live music and now three shows in one week.

It was a nice way to celebrate the end of the application process, reintroducing myself to NYC in a very New Yorkish way. I've been resting lightly here for nearly two years. Now I'm looking at staying in the same apartment for another year. It's nice to have a feeling of permanence.


Sanjay said...

i'm going to continue to miss you on this side :( but hooray for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, darling Lenora! That's fantastic news. (It would have been fantastic regardless of where you decided to go because you had so many awesome choices...).