Saturday, December 03, 2005

'Tis the Season to Feel Nauseous

Holy crap! Is it December?

School has a way of taking over. Right now I'm supposed to be busy but I'm caught in that inertia panic mode where I have so much work that I can't do anything except futz around on the internet.

October and November melted away into a muddle of presentations, tests, and application hurdles. Just have to push through. 8 applications. 3 papers, 2 plane trips, 1 concert, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I've been meaning to blog about a couple of things, but writing right now is hard. Writing about New York is especially hard. I'm in this bubble of uncertainty until I find out if I'm getting into grad school. It makes one not want to look to closely at the future. A future in which I will be 27 years old, unemployed, and 80 grand in debt. I'm pretty confident. But I'm also not finished.

Off to work I go.


red rabbit said...

You will be seeing U2, again, in a few short weeks, in beautiful Salt Lake City, so don't complain TOO much, my dear.

Anonymous said...

U2?! I'm jealous.

You're going to get in. The hard part will be choosing which school to attend. I have no doubt!